المدة الزمنية 1:5:20

الدرس3/الفصل2/شرح وترجمة فقرةA miser's Final Wish/أمنية البخيل الأخيرة+أسئلةإضافية على الفقرة+معاني. ألمانيا

1 753 مشاهدة
تم نشره في 2023/03/05

لدعم القناة مادياً على محفظة أورانج (Orange money) على رقم المحفظة (0787692670). واذا احتجتوا أي سؤال , لا تتردد في طرحه في التعليقات او على حساباتي الشخصية , والملفات موجودة بقناة التليقرام . الدرس3/الفصل2/شرح وترجمة فقرةA miser's Final Wish/أمنية البخيل الأخيرة+أسئلةإضافية على الفقرة+معاني. أستخراج المعاني مع توضيح وشرح للمعاني وامثلة. ************************************ الأسئلة الأضافية على الفقرة A miser’s final wish (Questions) 1-how many hours did Mr. Lin work a day? *10 or 12 hours a day. 2-what was Mr. Lin One's purpose in mind? * To make a lot of money and to spend as little of it as possible. 3-did he trust in Banks? *no he didn't. 4-where did Mr. Lin keep his money? *inside shoe boxes. 5-what did Mr. Lin ask his wife to do after his death? *to take all of his money and place it inside his coffin. 6-how was Mrs. Lin life with her husband? *miserly life. 7-did Mrs. Lin do what her husband asked her to do? *no she didn't. 8-how was Mr. Lin a hard-working man? *he worked for ten or twelve hours and he slept for just a few. 9-why was Mr. Lin miser? *Mr. Lin had only one purpose in mind: to make a lot of money, and to spend as little of it as possible. 10-why did he keep all his banknotes and it didn't put them in Banks? *he did not trust in banks. 11-what did he always do before going to sleep? *Every night, before going to sleep, Mr Lin sat and looked at his money. 12-what did Mr. Lin ask her husband to do after he died? *he said: “When I die, I want you to take all of my money and place it inside my coffin . I want to take all of my money with me, even the few pennies I have saved.” 13- what did Mrs. Lin promise her husband to do?/ And why she did that? * she said: “I promise you that when you die I will put all the money in the coffin with you”. * Because Mrs. Lin, who was a very good wife and loved him. 14- who was sitting next to Mrs. Lin in the ceremony? * Mrs. Lin was sitting next to her closest friend during the ceremony. 15- How did Mrs. Lin keep her promise to her husband? * She got it all together, and put it into her bank account and then wrote to him a cheque. 16-when the ceremony finished and before the coffin was closed what did Mrs. Lin do? *She had a large shoe box with her. She stood up, went to the coffin, and placed the shoe box inside it. 17-write down the sentence which indicates that Mrs. Linda didn't break her promise. * “I promised him that I was going to put his money in that coffin with him, and I did it.” 18-write down the sentence which indicates that Mrs. Lin was a very intelligent women. *“I got it all together, put it into my bank account and then wrote him a cheque.”


عرض المزيد

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